Our Vision

Filipino families enjoying the fullness of life in sustainable communities

Our Mission

To uplift one million families from extreme poverty to self-sufficiency by 2030

Core Values and Principles

Our actions are anchored in SOCIAL JUSTICE and EQUITY

      • We believe that all human beings possess God-given dignity and potential, and that no one should live in extreme poverty.
      • We dedicate our efforts to ensuring that equal access to health, well-being, peace and wealth creation is extended to all Filipinos by focusing on removing the barriers to the progress of the poor towards prosperous and meaningful lives.
      • This includes holding government accountable to provide social services and an enabling environment for the poor’s journey out of poverty.

We are called to SERVICE and STEWARDSHIP

      • We are called to offer our work and skills for the benefit of those who have less in life and all those who live in society’s margins.
      • We will use our individual and collective talents to exercise responsible management over all resources entrusted to us, including the environment, people, technology and other assets.
      • We aim to ensure that the next generation will inherit from us a fairer and better governed Philippines.


      • We are fully aware that we are answerable to God, to our stakeholders, and to our fellow Filipinos.
      • We honor our promises and will do our best to achieve the best results from our programs and interventions.
      • Furthermore, we will be transparent in all our actions and learn from our experiences for better impact in the future.


      • We recognize that we are one nation composed of many ethnicities, languages, cultures, and faiths.
      • We uphold gender equality in all aspects of Filipino life.
      • We respect diversity while building a unified and prosperous society.
      • We build on these platforms, harnessing culturally-responsive approaches that ensure no poor family is left behind.

We collaborate for COLLECTIVE IMPACT

      • We believe that we will achieve zero extreme poverty by working together.
      • We complement each other’s organizational strengths in accompanying families towards self-sufficiency.
      • We link with government, the private sector, churches, donors and others to uplift families.
      • We align our priorities with the aspirations and goals of communities, our main partners in the journey.