Phase 1: Build provincial coalition


Drawing from available data, provinces will be prioritized based on poverty incidence and existence of local formations of civil society organizations. 


Magnitude of Poverty by Province in 2015
Note: Intensity of color represents poverty incidence

Source: Explorations on Philippine Poverty Data

Desired Results:

  1. Identification of priority ZEP2030 provinces
  2. Commitment of local key stakeholders to ZEP2030
  3. ZEP2030 provincial agenda, priorities and strategy formulation
  4. Recruitment of local convenor 
  5. Establishment of operation management and system
  6. Community empowerment and partnership building

Options for Action: 

To achieve these results, the following actions may be pursued under this phase: 

  • Prioritize Provinces Based on Poverty

Selecting and prioritizing provinces is primarily based on the poverty incidence of that specific area. At this point, Lead Convenors have the responsibility to review the latest poverty data and compare with provinces already covered by ZEP2030 and take stock of where they are currently operating. 

With the identification of priority provinces, Lead Convenors then identify among themselves and commit to initiate the process of organizing and supporting the ZEP2030 movement in each target province. 

Lead Convenors can also consider the presence of existing local CSO formations or similar formations and existing relationships with local CSOs not to reinvent but expand the reach of the movement.

  • Mapping and scoping local stakeholders 

ZEP2030 is a CSO-led initiative. This action requires that the Lead Convenor or a partner/member of a Lead Convenor conducts mapping and profiling of all existing civil society organizations (CSO), CSO networks or federations, similar formations such as but not limited to people’s council, business groups or academic institutions, and other stakeholders that is interested in addressing local poverty issues. It is also recommended that a review of existing government programs and/or projects will be done to provide context on government efforts to combat local poverty.

Mapping and scoping will provide the Lead Convenor data on the type of CSO and CSO formations in the province, their existing programs/projects as well as establish the relationship they have with stakeholders such as the government.

  • Introduction of ZEP2030 to local stakeholders

This activity can be done either before or after the mapping and scoping of local stakeholders. 

Identified key stakeholders will be convened to introduce the ZEP2030 coalition, its objectives, structures, and processes. Existing partners/members of the Lead Convenor can facilitate the organizing of such activity. 

It is highly recommended that commitment from invited participants be secured at the end of the activity and identification of the organization that will lead the local convergence process.

  • Identification of ZEP2030 agenda of target province

Stakeholders come together based on a common need to discuss and agree on their points of collaboration and produce a common vision, goals, and strategies in achieving their objectives. 

At this point, interested stakeholders undergo a visioning exercise where they identify their agenda and where they will focus their collaborative efforts. Existing and needed resources should also be identified as well as the strategies to be adopted to achieve set goals. A sprint plan will be helpful to guide the next steps of the convergence.

  • Identification and recruitment of Local Convenor

Identifying and recruiting whoever will commit their organization as local convenor of the ZEP2030 coalition may happen simultaneously during the orientation of interested stakeholders and during the visioning activity for the local agenda. 

At this stage, roles, responsibilities, and expectations should be clarified with all the actors.

  • Establishing local operations and processes

With the establishment of the local agenda, points of collaboration and local convenor, the next step is to establish a system for coordination and communication among members of the coalition. 

Aside from establishing the operations, it is equally important to agree and define key result areas and indicators of the collaborative efforts of the coalition. A monitoring and evaluation system must be in place to guide the coalition on the achievement of set goals.

  • Community empowerment and partnership building

The local convergence as a community of CSOs must constantly communicate and coordinate with one another to build effective partnership in ending extreme poverty in the province.

The strength of the local convergence is the combined strength of its members. The convergence therefore should mutually share their resources and technology to collectively respond to community needs.



ZEP Bohol Convergence

Inspiration and power can spark out of the tiniest wick. With only less than a decade towards its vision, ZEP2030 continuously expands and builds bridges with allies and partners across the country. The inception of the Bohol Local Convergence arose from this.

The Philippine Partnership for Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (PhilDHRRA), lead organization of the ZEP2030 Agriculture and Fisheries cluster, spearheaded the effort to bring the ZEP2030 Movement to Bohol, one of its identified target areas. PhilDHRRA tapped into its network of partner government agencies, peoples organizations, and non-government organizations, among them the Bohol Integrated Development Foundation, Inc. (BIDEF).

Read the full article here

ZEP Sarangani Convergence: Convergence building by a network within a network

According to PSA’s 2015 and 2018 national poverty statistics, the Sarangani Province’s poverty incidence notably decreased from 45.6 percent to 36 percent in those respective years. However, despite this sign of improvement, the province still had the highest poverty incidence in the SOCCSKARGEN Region and was the 8th poorest province in the country, with around 48, 200 poor families in 2018. Additionally, the province had the highest (25.6 percent) subsistence incidence or the proportion of families who cannot afford food necessities.

Having said this, the ZEP2030 coalition saw this as an opportunity for collective action to identify and assist extreme poor families in the province, given the presence of many active civil society organizations in Sarangani with the same goal. The Sarangani Province Empowerment and Community Transformation Forum (SPECTRUM), a member of the ZEP2030 movement, is one of those organizations. SPECTRUM is a provincial network of 10 non-government organizations and cooperatives working for the developmental needs of Sarangani Province and General Santos City. 

Read the full article here