How To Join

ZEP2030 Membership Guidelines

  1. ZEP2030 is a coalition of non-government entities (NGEs) in the Philippines working together through collective impact to help uplift one million Filipino families from extreme poverty to self-sufficiency by the year 2030. The coalition includes non-government organizations, people’s organizations, community-based organizations, NGE networks, business entities, and international institutions, among others.

Individual persons are welcome to support and participate in ZEP2030 activities. However, only NGEs may officially join as members of the coalition.

  1. While ZEP2030 is a civil society-led movement, coalition members will aim to work closely with the Philippine government by forging strategic partnerships with national government agencies and local government units at different levels (provincial, city/municipal, barangay).

3. NGEs may participate in ZEP2030 as Lead Convenors, Thematic Cluster Leads, Cluster Members, Program Implementers, Local Convenors, or Local Partners.

4. The Lead Convenors refer to the seventeen (17) NGEs which spearheaded a poverty summit in October 2015 that led to the launch of the ZEP2030 movement. All seven Thematic Cluster Leads also form part of the Lead Convenors.

All Lead Convenors are required to submit a written confirmation of their commitment to ZEP2030, together with the names of their designated official and alternate representatives. Said representatives are expected to participate regularly in the Lead Convenors meetings and in the Annual General Assembly of ZEP2030.

5. An NGE may join one or more thematic clusters of ZEP2030. At present, the coalition does not see the need for a formal process for signing up with the thematic clusters. Any interested NGE is advised to contact the Cluster Lead, or the Head Secretariat who will then introduce the NGE to the appropriate cluster.

Alternatively, if an NGE is interested to participate in ZEP2030 in a specific geographic area, the NGE may approach the Local Convenor in that particular area. In the absence of a Local Convenor, the NGE may contact the lead organization of the thematic cluster that has initiated ZEP2030 in the area.

6. Thematic Cluster Leads, Local Convenors, and other coalition members are requested to immediately inform the Head Secretariat of any new partner organization who would like to become a member of the coalition. The Head Secretariat will send an official communication to the NGE to confirm its membership in ZEP2030.

7. The Head Secretariat will maintain and disseminate an updated list and directory of coalition members.