15 years Housing Program for the identified sectors such as Indigenous People, Fisher Folks, ISF, Families victims of calamities/disasters within 350 LGUs in the Philippines.
Key Result Areas
- Decent homes with basic facilities such as water, electricity, MPC, roads & transportation and accessibility to social services & livelihood/employment opportunities, provided to target extremely poor families, especially: Indigenous People, Small Fisherfolk, Informal Settler Families (ISF), and Victims of Disasters and Calamities.
2. Local Government Units assisted in developing and implementing quality social housing programs and projects, in coordination with National Agencies, Private Sector and Other Stakeholders.
3. Peoples organizations and community associations formed, strengthened and empowered to engage government and other stakeholders for house, social services and other issues / concerns.
4. Inclusive and participatory people’s planning processes undertaken towards innovative and effective urban development and social housing programs, projects and plans.
5. Multi-Stakeholders partnership models and mechanisms established for inclusive, transformative and sustainable social housing initiatives.
Indicators of Success
- Year 1 – Development and piloting of processes, modules and materials for inclusive and participatory local shelter planning.
- Development of multi-stakeholder partnership merchanisms and initiatives for shelter planning and social housing projects.
- Provision of decent homes to targeted extremely poor families.