Our goal is to have two million employed or self-employed Opportunity Youth by 2030.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 4
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
ZEP2030 Education Agenda
To provide out-of-school children and youth (Opportunity Youth) from families in extreme poverty with access to quality education and training opportunities leading to gainful employment or self-employment by 2030.
- No OSCY in the family
- Children and youth complete basic education through formal or non-formal delivery modes and gainfully employed (contributing to family income)
- In-school children/youth are not at risk of dropping out
Enabling Environment/Support Institutions
- Enhanced capability of formal and non-formal education service providers to reach and deliver quality education services
Social Determinants
- Out-of-school issues (social determinants of education) are addressed enabling children and youth to focus on learning
Key Performance Indicators
I. Access and completion of formal education
– Basic Education
– Technical-vocational Training
– Higher Education
1. Number of learners served
a. Scholarships and other enhancements
1. Number of OSCYs enrolled
a. IP education
b. Children & youth with disabilities
c. Women
2. Percentage of completers
a. Grade 6
b. Grade 10
c. Senior High School
d. Technical-vocational Training
e. Higher Education
II. Access, quality and completion of non-formal education
– Alternative Learning System
– Non-DepEd programs
1. Number of learners served
a. Scholarships and other enhancements
2. Number of teachers trained
1. Number of OSCYs enrolled
a. IP education
b. Children & youth with disabilities
c. Women
2. Percentage of completers
3. Percentage of ALS Accreditation & Equivalency Test passers
III. Transition to employment or entrepreneurship
1. Number of slots
a. Training for employment or entrepreneurship
b. Internships
c. Job opportunities
1. Number of trainees who acquired National Certification
2. Number of graduates placed
3. Number of graduates who went into business
Lead Organization

Rm 1102, 11/F Aurora Tower Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City
+632 911-9792 / 913-7231
Cluster Members